A one-stop shop for all of your copyright and royalty needs

The Copyright Portal was created to service Sony's transition in 2012 from the GRS royalty system to the EROS Copyright royalty system. This portal eased the process of the migration for clients, allowing them to look up any of the values provided on their statements and see the new values. In the following years, the portal was also utilised for the Century Media Migration (2017) and the Provident Migration (2019).

In the genesis of the project, I was supplied excel sheets of data and some loose interface wireframes. I then constructed the entire application from database structure and population of the database, right through to the front-end interface. A true full stack experience!

In 2021, I chose the Copyright Portal as the best candidate to learn my way around the intricacies of Spring Boot due to its reasonable size (compared to the other SONY applications in which I head). I migrated its traditional Spring/Tomcat structure to a "serverless" Spring Boot one. Once this was completed, I couldn't allow the front-end to remain in an old framework, so that was also lifted and improved to a full MVVM Sencha structure. The migration of both front and back took about a month in total, inclusive of all the Spring Boot learning time.

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