A rich 2D platformer programmed 5 years apart

The earliest source file of Sailors Arrest dates back to January 2006. It sat uncompleted for close to six years until I returned in December 2011 to finish it off. Throughout those six years (and beyond) I worked as a web programmer for Gieman IT Solutions where I spent a good amount of time coding a flash media player for a large client. The knowledge I got from extensive experience in Actionscript (AS3) and programming principles in general enabled me to finish off and really 'pimp out' the game.

The pimped out features include:

  • True collision testing
  • Sprite unity (moving with moving platforms)
  • Customised death screens
  • Smarter use of variables for item states
  • Randomly generated safe codes
  • Health bars
  • Completion scoring based on speed and skill

Project information

  • Category: Flash Game
  • Client: Own Project
  • Project date: January 2006 - December 2011
  • Project URL: DENDON Vault