A "no commitment" online sales site - well before its time

Yub was started with the initial vision of being able to pay a listing fee via a simple SMS - no other commitments needed! The front-end was JSF enriched with YUI library elements, while the backend was Java/Spring/Glassfish. It was one of the first projects I worked on under the employ of Gieman IT Solutions. Yub was one of my first real exposures to the full-stack implementation experience, including working closely with the system administrator implementing the backing server architecture.

Yub was comparable to something like Gumtree (which was still relatively unknown in Australia at that time). The lack of SMS payment gateway functionality/provider at the time arrested the project momentum and muted any point-of-difference. With no point-of-difference, uptake was poor and the project was abandoned.

Project information

  • Category: Business Application
  • Client: Gieman IT Solutions
  • Project date: January 2009 - May 2013
  • Project URL: Discontinued